Apple's HD SC Setup 3.1 A/UX included with A/UX 3.1 for the Apple Workgroup Server 95 cannot format large–capacity drives such as our hammer8700FMF or SledgeHammer17400FMF.
When using Apple's HD SC Setup 3.1 A/UX to format large–capacity drives, the
program will error out and incorrectly report that the drive is bad and can not
be initialized or selected.
Enclosed in this package is the 'Apple HD Setup 3.1 A/UX Updater' program which
will patch the program to handle drives of this size and larger. This will not
run under any earlier versions of A/UX.
1) Bootup A/UX
2) Insert the floppy containing this file and the updater
3) Launch the updater program
4) The updater should automatically locate the 'Apple HD Setup 3.1 A/UX' file,
if it does not, select it from the standard file selector.
5) Click on 'Update'.
6) It will then make a copy of the file and add the FWB suffix to the new
file's name.
7) Launch this newly created version to format and partition your drive(s).
8) The HD SC Setup A/UX FWB program will complain about the size of the disk
and report the following: "The disk drive exceeds the maximum allowable size
for a Macintosh volume. A 2–gigabyte Macintosh volume will be created." Ignore
these messages and continue to use the HD SC Setup A/UX FWB program to format
the disk and to create partitioning for striping.
Consult the RTK A/UX manual for additional setup information.
This patch is not supported directly by Apple Computer, Inc.
FWB, Inc.
2040 Polk Street, Suite 215
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 474–8055
(415) 775–2125 FAX
(415) 474–9772 HammerFAX(TM) Fax Response System
(415) 474–0956 Customer Support FAX
AppleLink: FWB
CIS: 71320, 1034
eWorld: FWB.INC
eWorld Shortcut: FWB
FWB Hard Disk ToolKit 1.6.3
Update Type: Updater/Patch
Release Date: 12/30/94
Needs: HDT 1.6x
Hard Disk ToolKit™
Version 1.6.3 Updater
This updater software is provided as a service by FWB, Inc. for registered owners of Hard Disk ToolKit™ 1.6 and 1.6.2 purchased in the U. S. or Canada. We recommend that you update the HDT™ files already installed on your hard disk, as the the updated files are much larger and may not fit onto a floppy. In addition, we recommend that you disable all System Extensions before attempting an update. In System 7, this can be done by holding down the Shift key at startup.
If you use an updater on an older version of Hard Disk ToolKit™ than above, the application will merely give you an error, and will not harm your software.
You may want to change the names of the updated components to reflect the update to version 1.6.3. The Finder™'s Get Info dialog will show the correct version number after the update.
If the Finder™ Get Info window shows a version that contains the word "Hammer", you should update your HDT Primer™ with the updater application within the "Hammer" folder. If it does not, you should update your HDT Primer™ with the updater application with the "Generic" folder. The "HDT Extension™ 1.6.3 Updater" application is more general and will update your HDT Extension™ System Extension.
The "HDT Primer™ 1.6.3 Updater" application within the "Hammer" folder will convert the HDT Primer™ application (version 1.6 Domestic Hammer and version 1.6.2 Domestic) to version 1.6.3. It will work on both serialized (after you have entered your name, organization, and serial number) and unserialized copies of HDT Primer™.
The "HDT Primer™ GEN 1.6.3 Updater" application within the "Generic" folder will convert the HDT Primer™ application (version 1.6 Domestic Generic) to version 1.6.3. It will work on both serialized (after you have entered your name, organization, and serial number) and unserialized copies of HDT Primer™.
The "HDT Extension™ 1.6.3 Updater" application will convert the HDT Extension™ System Extension (versions 1.6 and 1.6.2) to version 1.6.3.
The file "Drive Data" must be placed into the same folder as the HDT Primer™ and HDT World Control™ applications to operate properly. This Drive Data is only meant for use with versions 1.6.2 and later of Hard Disk ToolKit™.
The file "BenchData" must be placed into the same folder as the HDT BenchTest™ application to operate properly. If you have previous HDT BenchTest™ results you wish to save, rename your "BenchData" file before copying the new one.
The file "Supported Devices v1.6.3" lists the drives that are supported by Hard Disk ToolKit™ 1.6.3.
The file "Read Me v1.6.3" includes late breaking news on your new version of software.
Changes from HDT™ 1.6.2:
• PowerBooks with certain drives will now wake up properly.
Changes from HDT™ 1.6:
• HDT Primer™ will no longer present a "drive not ready" dialog when waking a sleeping hard drive on Duos.
This updater software will only work with the release versions of HDT™ 1.6 and 1.6.2. To upgrade to version 1.6.3 from earlier versions, please contact FWB at:
FWB, Inc.
Software Upgrades
2040 Polk Street, Suite 215
San Francisco, CA 94109
(800) 581–4392
(510) 498–2609 (FAX)
FWB Software, Inc.
FWB Hard Disk ToolKit PE 1.6.3
Update Type: Updater/Patch
Release Date: 12/30/94
Needs: HDT PE 1.6 or higher
Subj: HDT PE 1.6.3 Updater #0006 January 10, 1995
From: From Alink
File: HDT PE 1.6.3 Updater (457856 bytes)
DL time (19200 baud): < 6 minutes
Download count: 14
Hard Disk ToolKit(TM) PE
Version 1.6.3 Updater
This updater software is provided as a service by FWB, Inc. for registered
owners of Hard Disk ToolKit(TM) PE 1.6 and 1.6.2. We recommend that you update
the HDT(TM) PE files already installed on your hard disk, as the the updated
files are much larger and may not fit onto a floppy. In addition, we recommend
that you disable all System Extensions before attempting an update. In System
7, this can be done by holding down the Shift key at startup.
If you use an updater on an older version of Hard Disk ToolKit(TM) PE than
above, the application will merely give you an error, and will not harm your
You may want to change the names of the updated components to reflect the
update to version 1.6.3. The Finder(TM)'s Get Info dialog will show the
correct version number after the update.
If the Finder(TM) Get Info window shows a version that is "Hammer Personal
Edition", you should use the updater applications within the "Hammer" folder.
If it does not, you should use the updater applications within the "OEM" folder.
The "HDT Primer(TM) PE 1.6.3 Updater" application within the "Hammer" folder
will convert the HDT Primer(TM) PE application (versions 1.6 and 1.6.2 Hammer
Versions Only) to version 1.6.3. It will work on both serialized (after you
have entered your name, organization, and serial number) and unserialized
copies of HDT Primer(TM) PE.
The "HDT Extension(TM) PE 1.6.3 Updater" application within the "Hammer" folder
will convert the HDT Extension(TM) System Extension (versions 1.6 and 1.6.2
Hammer Versions Only) to version 1.6.3.
The "HDT Primer(TM) PE OEM 1.6.3 Update" application within the "OEM" folder
will convert the HDT Primer(TM) PE application (versions 1.6 and 1.6.2
non–Hammer Versions Only) to version 1.6.3. It will work on both serialized
(after you have entered your name, organization, and serial number) and
unserialized copies of HDT Primer(TM) PE.
The "HDT Extension(TM) OEM 1.6.3 Update" application within the "OEM" folder
will convert the HDT Extension(TM) System Extension (versions 1.6 and 1.6.2
non–Hammer Versions Only) to version 1.6.3.
The file "Supported Devices v1.6.3" lists the drives that are supported by Hard
Disk ToolKit(TM) PE 1.6.3.
The file "Read Me PE v1.6.3" includes late breaking news on your new version of
Changes from HDT(TM) PE 1.6.2:
* PowerBooks with certain drives will now wake up properly.
Changes from HDT(TM) PE 1.6:
* HDT Primer(TM) PE will no longer present a "drive not ready" dialog when
waking a sleeping hard drive on Duos.
This updater software will only work with the release versions of HDT(TM) PE
1.6 and 1.6.2. To upgrade to version 1.6.3 from earlier versions, please
contact FWB at:
FWB, Inc.
Software Upgrades
2040 Polk Street, Suite 215
San Francisco, CA 94109
(800) 581–4392
(510) 498–2609 (FAX)
Announcing the availability of Hard Disk ToolKit 1.6.3, RAID ToolKit
1.6.2 and CD–ROM ToolKit 1.5 – FWB's award–winning disk management
packages for Macintosh. All the FWB utilities are now completely
"SCSI Manager 4.3" savvy and Power Mac "native" as certified by
Apple Computer.
No other driver package is better positioned for the future with
complete support for the Power Macs, the AVs, the new SCSI Manager
4.3 Extension for Quadras/4GB volume sizes (both available in Apple's
new System 7.5 this summer!) and the widest range of third party
hardware and software.
All the FWB utilities (HDT, HDT*PE and CDT) now include:
* "Fat" applications that include both Power Mac and 68000 code
* Program installers for easier setup
* Bootable floppies for the Power Macs, A/Vs, Quadras and Duos. (HDT
CD–ROM ToolKit version 1.5 has been upgraded to tap the latest
enhancements offered in Apple's new Power Macintosh and System 7.5.
* Faster Caching Scheme
* Power Mac and System 7.5 compatibility
* Support for new CD–ROM drives and formats (Toshiba 4X, CD+G..)
New Dynamic Caching keeps recently accessed or "warm" data in RAM for
immediate retrieval. This process is much more efficient at
anticipating your next data request and benefits all aspects of
Data Streaming Optimization CD–ROM ToolKit silently enhances the
ability for devices to perform multimedia "data streaming". This
incudes multimedia titles that use formats such as Apple's QuickTime,
AIFF files, or PACo.
SCSI Manager 4.3 Support
Fast synchronous data transfers allow data to be transferred in
larger blocks to speed throughput from 2–10%.
Disconnect–reconnect. Improves performance by letting the computer
perform other functions while data transfers take place in the
Multiple busses. CD–ROM ToolKit can now recognize an additional 7
SCSI mechanisms on SCSI Manager 4.3 compatible busses.
Power Mac Native Mode The CD–ROM ToolKit application has been
re–written to take advantage of the superior speed offered by the
Power Mac computers. FWB has tested CD–ROM ToolKit with all the
latest Power Mac systems and software to ensure maximum
Digital Audio Extraction – (*this was in CDT 1.1 – but never
Exclusive support for audio extraction allows most popular CD–ROM
drives to transfer an exact copy of stereo audio out over the SCSI
bus to a hard drive. Once extracted, audio files can be edited using
a variety of commercially available sound editing programs.
Exotic Disc Formats Special support has been added for CD+G titles
which are hybrid discs that offer lyrics and video to accompany
stereo music. Owners of CD writers will find easier access to
multi–volume, multisession CD–ROM discs.
From: FWB Upgrade Department
voice: 1–800–581–4392
fax: 510–498–2609
Upgrade Cost:
$39 + $5.50 for Hard Disk ToolKit
$29 + $5.50 for CD–ROM ToolKit and HDT Personal Edition.
Downloadable Updater is available for FWB Hard
Disk ToolKit and HDT PE– The updater program below* will only update
users of Hard Disk ToolKit and Hard Disk ToolKit PE version 1.6.0 and
1.6.2 (*available 1/13/95). Note: only maintenance updates will be
posted in these locations. Significant upgrades, such as the
enhancements found in version 1.6 of the FWB ToolKit family, require
an upgrade fee. Please contact the FWB upgrade department above to
purchase an upgrade.
–Type command–G.
–Type MACHW to go to Macintosh Hardware Forum.
– Go into Library 9 (Disks/Storage).
– File is called "HDT163.SEA".
– Type command–G to bring up the "Go to Shortcut" dialog box.
– Enter "FWB" to go to our forum.
– Go into the Software area.
– File is called "HDT 1.6.3 updater.sea".
– command–K to bring up the "Keyword" dialog box.
– Enter "MHW" for the Macintosh Hardware Forum.
– Go to the Software Libraries area.
– Choose "New files and FREE uploading".
– File is called "HDT 1.6.3 updater.sea".
Go To:
– Software Sampler/Third Parties.
– Demos/Updates=>
– Companies (E–J)=> (FWB)
– File is called "HDT 1.6.3 updater.sea".
FWB, Inc.
HDT™ and HDT™/PE 1.6.3 Updater Updated Information
Copyright 1995, FWB, Inc.
01/17/95 (Applelink)
HDT Extension™ (PE Users Can Ignore This)
1. If you have modified HDT Extension™ with HDT Extn™ Config, most likely you
have experienced a failure updating to 1.6.3. You must reinstall an unmodified
copy of HDT Extension™ from your original installation disk. When you reach
the Installation dialog box, click the "Custom" button, then select HDT
Extension™ for reinstallation, and click the "Install" button. You will now be
able to update the HDT Extension™ with the HDT Extension™ 1.6.3 Updater.
HDT Primer™ PE 1.6 (1.6.2 and Non–Power Macintosh Users Can Ignore This)
1. If you installed HDT Primer™ PE version 1.6 on a Power Macintosh using the
Default installation, which is the standard install, you must reinstall HDT
Primer™ PE from your original installation disk. When you reach the
Installation dialog box, click the "Custom" button, then select HDT Primer™ PE
for reinstallation, and click the "Install" button. You will now be able to
update HDT Primer™ PE with the HDT Primer™ PE 1.6.3 Updater.
Drive Data File
Subj: HDT/RTK 1.6.2 Drive... #0007 January 10, 1995
From: From Alink
File: HDT/RTK 1.6.2 Drive Data (14464 bytes)
DL time (19200 baud): < 1 minute
Download count: 4
Date: 18 November 1994
Subject: Hard Disk ToolKit/RAID ToolKit 1.6.2 Drive Data file
Author: FWB, Inc.
Equipment: Any SCSI–capable Macintosh computer.
Needs: Hard Disk ToolKit (full version only) or RAID ToolKit.
Versions 1.5 through 1.6.2
This enclosure contains the Drive Data file for Hard Disk ToolKit or RAID ToolKit v.1.6.2. The Drive Data file is where the parameters are stored for every drive supported by HDT/RTK. When using HDT or RTK Primer, the application looks to this file to determine how to configure the drive's SCSI parameters for the best performance.
By using it with HDT versions between 1.5 through 1.6, you will be able to have full support for all drives supported in v.1.6.2. The full list of drives supported by v.1.6.2 is available in our Support Information area.
To use the file, download (it is compressed with Stuffit), and place it in the
DISK. This should be used only with copies of Hard Disk ToolKit/RAID ToolKit.
The file will only work with the full version Hard Disk ToolKit/RAID ToolKit
v.1.5 or later (it will not work with any version of Hard Disk ToolKit*Personal
Edition of HDT Lite). It will also not work with full versions of Hard Disk
ToolKit/RAID ToolKit prior to v.1.5.
If you have an earlier version and wish to gain full support for hard drives
not currently supported by your version, please call (800) 581–4392 for